Ambuja Cements use MediaMath Marketplaces to increase VCR over 150% and deliver 44 million impressions


Ambuja Cements Ltd, India’s leading cement company, was looking to reach and raise awareness amongst their target group consisting of males aged 25+ in 8 specific states and increase quality traffic through video ads with a VCR of 80%+ on major video streaming platforms (OTTs). The challenge they faced was that to get access to scalable OTT inventory, direct programmatic guaranteed (PG) deals need to be negotiated at different rates depending on the partner which restricts any optimisation for reach and frequency, leading to a lot of media wastage and duplication.Being able to use a correct and functional tag compatible with MOAT was one of the main obstacles face with this campaign.


Ambuja Cements Ltd worked with their media agency, Havas Media Group India to source premium OTT inventory through key supply partners like Pubmatic and Adsolute via preferred deals at competitive CPMs, created OTT specific auction packages (Adx) and utilised MediaMath Marketplaces. MediaMath’s OTT Marketplace featuring top OTT partners was used to help manage overall reach and frequency, thereby delivering incremental reach and reducing media wastage due to audience overlap/duplication.

To reach the brand’s target group and expand to more relevant users, 3rd party data was utilized using partners like Lotame and Oracle. App Whitelisting and Supply Path Optimisations were also carried out to help maintain efficient CPMs even in a volatile real-time bidding (RTB) environment.


The campaign reached 15 million unique users and delivered 44 million impressions. From Week 1 to Week 9, there was an over 150% increase in VCR with an 82% VCR delivered overall; Higher than the industry benchmark and initial KPI set out at the beginning of the campaign.

By avoiding direct and PG buy methods, the campaign generated a 25% media budget saving which Ambuja Cements Ltd. was able to later put towards driving incremental reach.

This campaign showed great results and highlights the huge potential scale of premium video inventory available through MediaMath via unified reach and frequency which is otherwise hard to achieve via direct buys.


Havas SA is a French multinational advertising and public relations company, headquartered in Paris, France. It operates in more than 100 countries and is one of the largest advertising and communications groups in the world. Havas consists of three main operational divisions. 

Ambuja Cements Limited, formerly known as Gujarat Ambuja Cement Limited, is a major Indian cement producing company. The Group markets cement and clinker for both domestic and export markets.