

Data Chaos and Data Opportunity: MediaMath in Conversation with Neustar and AdAge

May 18, 2021 — by MediaMath    

In an AdTech universe reeling with uncertainty over the imminent departure of the third-party cookie, is data harmony within reach? Anudit Vikram, Chief Product Officer at MediaMath, recently shared his thoughts in a conversation with Michael Schoen, Senior VP and General Manager of Marketing Solutions at Neustar, and John Dioso, Editor of AdAge Studio 30. All three participants were on board with the belief that we are in the middle of “the next big data revolution.” They further agreed that this revolution is currently devolving into data chaos, missed opportunities, and wasted ad spend for brands.

Anudit and his team are approaching the data chaos as an opportunity to drive home the fact that MediaMath is a future proof DSP, inherently modular and ready for the world where customers will need to seamlessly implement newly emerging identifiers within their systems. As the cookie goes away, MediaMath has the ability to transact natively with these new solutions. Anudit shared his optimism that the inevitable depreciation in scale will ultimately lead to an increase in the quality of data. He speculated that the increased reliance on first-party information, coupled with advancements in artificial intelligence, will empower the digital advertising ecosystem with opportunities to do more than ever before.

Watch a recording of the conversation here.