“A career path is rarely a path at all. A more interesting life is usual a more crooked, winding path of missteps, luck and vigorous work. It is almost always a clumsy balance between the things you try to make happen and the things that happen to you.” — Tom Freston, MTV cofounder
At MediaMath we appreciate that career paths are often crooked and winding. Each new role, experience and assignment can be a destination or a stop along the way. Our life journeys don’t always occur in a straight line. Often, the most rewarding careers take us to new locations, create adventures in projects we never encountered previously and teach us about ourselves and other people.
Since so many people follow a circuitous career path, MediaMath has decided to elevate career development in new ways via the MediaMath Career Journeys Program.
Across the organization our people are asking good questions about career progression. They share exciting stories about their own career development at the company. Each person tells a different story and have unique definitions of what career success means to them.
To help our employees follow the path to self-discovery via their career, we often move people to help develop a more holistic impact on the business and will explore creating new roles that maximize individual potential.
How it works
Personal interaction between our Voyagers (employees) and our Navigators (managers) is the heart of the program. In addition, we have simplified career planning and will continue to challenge our people to make the most of their journeys.
MediaMath’s Career Journeys Program reinforces the notion that career conversations are not merely promotion conversations and that “up” is not the only way to grow. In particular, the program helps our people to do the following:
- Define interests: Where do they want to go and why?
- Assess Reality: How ready are they, what is realistic and what resources do they have?
- Create Options: What do they want to see and do?
- Develop Plan: Who do they want to travel with, how will they get there and what do they need to pack?
We are excited to take career development to the next level and further enable the bright people at MediaMath in creating wonderful career journeys for themselves.
Learn more about our career opportunities here.