What was once considered the unachievable pinnacle of marketing sophistication is now becoming a reality. Brand marketers are taking great strides in the development of real-time, one-to-one marketing and MediaMath, with its programmatic technology solution TerminalOne, is actively working to further this progress.
Although the technologies exist to deliver real-time marketing campaigns, not all marketers consider their current practices as real-time. The study “Advancing Practices in Real-Time Marketing,” commissioned by Forrester Consulting on behalf of MediaMath, examines the challenges marketers face, and the demonstrable, concrete actions they’re taking to enable one-to-one marketing.
Forrester, which conducted in-depth interviews with 18 senior marketers from around the world, and across verticals, found that the real-time vision is beginning to take shape as firms take concrete actions to collect the data, build the systems, and create the processes to support this new approach.
Download the study to learn how successful marketers are:
- Implementing “Big Data” strategies
- Determining the right technology to support their strategies
- Incorporating “test and learn” as a key part of their strategy
- Using one-to-one marketing for more than just driving transactions
- Democratizing analytics and data